

Leading a design team for two years and counting, revolutionizing Web3 design and the Cardano space. The focus on user needs transformed intricate concepts into seamless experiences, crafting an intuitive Web3 platform that redefines how users interact with blockchain wallets.

This journey underscored the power of design-centric strategy in bridging technology with usability, providing a testament to the vital role of human-oriented solutions in today's digital landscape.

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The vision

The brief

The Lace project started with a seemingly straightforward mission - creating a simple wallet tailored to the Cardano ecosystem with a great UX. Yet, as with all things groundbreaking, our ambitions swiftly evolved.

The wallet transformed, metamorphosing into a holistic platform boasting a rich tapestry of features designed to set us apart in the crowded crypto arena. From introducing native staking and curating a dedicated DApp Store, to pioneering a DEX and Voting Centre, the journey was nothing short of exhilarating. Then there's RealFi, the handy Address book, and our venture into diverse platforms with both mobile and desktop versions.

But perhaps what’s most notable is how these integrations aren’t mere additions; they are the very essence of what makes Lace not just another crypto platform, but a beacon of user-centered design in the Web3 world. As you navigate my portfolio, you'll see how every decision, every design choice aimed to enhance user experience and elevate the Lace brand.


When Lace embarked on its journey two years ago, I took the helm as its solitary designer, diving deep into foundational research and hands-on design. But as the horizon broadened, and our aspirations grew, there was an impending need to upscale and diversify the design talent.

Not only was I entrusted with the crucial task of handpicking our next wave of innovative designers, but I also proudly stepped into the role of Lead Product Designer. Now, managing a dynamic team of five, I’ve found a harmonious balance between team leadership and staying intimately involved with the granular aspects of design and research.

While many leaders may distance themselves from hands-on work as they rise up the ladder, I believe that being deeply connected to the craft and my team simultaneously amplifies the value I bring to any project and my team.

End-to-end design process

Problem statement

At the onset, our main challenge was the fragmented nature of the Cardano ecosystem's wallets, making it tough for users to seamlessly manage their assets. Users craved a unified platform, yet one that wouldn't compromise on features or security.

Creating personas

Crafting these was insightful. From “Cardano Carl,” a tech-savvy enthusiast, to “Beginner Brenda,” just dipping her toes into crypto, understanding their distinct needs and behaviors was vital. A challenge? Designing for both without alienating either.


Here, balancing function and form was crucial. Early iterations felt either too barren or cluttered. Through iterations, the challenge was to maintain clarity while ensuring all essential features were accessible.

UI Library

In building this out, the goal was consistency. However, with the platform's scope, the challenge was ensuring this library could accommodate both current and unforeseen future needs. This library remains a living cornerstone of the project.

User interviews

Direct conversations with users illuminated several pain points. A recurrent theme was the demand for intuitive navigation, especially for those newer to crypto. Surprisingly, even seasoned crypto-enthusiasts expressed occasional confusion with prevailing platform designs.

User stories

Writing user stories from our diverse personas was an exercise in empathy and precision. We had to envision how they would interact with the platform on a daily basis, what their primary goals were, and what potential roadblocks they might face.

Design workshops

With Web3 design still being a relatively nascent field, deriving inspiration without blatantly copying was tricky. It was a journey of blending established UX principles with groundbreaking Web3-specific solutions.


Animating interactions brought its set of challenges, mainly ensuring that animations felt fluid, added value, and didn't distract from the core user tasks. These were mainly used for user testing and interaction handover.

Competitive mapping

In dissecting the competition, I found that many platforms either oversimplified their offerings, sacrificing advanced features or, conversely, overwhelmed users with overly complex interfaces. There was a palpable gap for a balanced solution.

User flows & Architecture

Ensuring each journey was intuitive while accommodating the vast range of our platform's offerings was intricate. Finding the sweet spot where simplicity met comprehensive utility was a challenge we eagerly took on.

High fidelity UI

Translating wireframes into high-fidelity screens brought its challenges, especially in ensuring designs remained consistent across multiple features while still giving each its unique flair Balancing visual delight and information clarity was a must.

User testings

We validated our assumptions and improved the experience based on feedback. Our innovative features were welcomed in ways we hadn't anticipated, underscoring the importance of real-world testing.

Challenges & solutions

Designing Lace, set within the intricate Web3 environment, demanded a nuanced approach to cater to our varied users. Aiming for a balance between simplicity and detailed transparency meant ensuring both crypto enthusiasts and newcomers felt at home. Adopting a human-centered design strategy was pivotal. This allowed for an intuitive, yet detail-rich interface tailored for diverse user expertise.

The ever-shifting landscape of blockchain also posed challenges. It's vital to stay updated and adapt to remain relevant. As a fervent advocate for evidence-led design, I influenced my team toward continuous learning and awareness.

A significant hurdle arose when condensing our feature-rich experience into a streamlined mobile app. We strived to retain Lace's comprehensive capabilities without overwhelming mobile users. The solution lies in rigorous user testing, iterative design, and prioritizing core functionalities, ensuring an uncompromised, seamless mobile experience.

Impact and takeaways

Aligning business needs with design strategy

In my role, I've bridged design solutions with Lace's overarching vision. By analyzing user needs and the competitive landscape, I've driven innovation, cementing Lace's position in the Web3 arena. Collaboration between design and business teams has been key, resulting in a unified product experience that supports Lace's growth.

Efficiency and Communication with Stakeholders

Clear communication has been the backbone of my design management approach. By forging robust relationships with stakeholders and utilizing project management tools, I've ensured transparency and timely delivery. This strategy has been pivotal for Lace's successful evolution and its future trajectory.

Team growth

From a lone Senior Product Designer, I've cultivated a team of six exceptional designers. Our collaborative spirit and collective skill set underpin Lace's success and its ongoing enhancements.

Scaling and Feature Expansion

Guided by user demands and Lace's growth trajectory, I've managed the augmentation of vital features such as Governance, Trading, and Multi-chain support. My adaptable approach ensures Lace's vanguard status in the dynamic Web3 domain.

Holistic mindset

Embracing a holistic design outlook, I've ensured that Lace provides a harmonious user experience, intertwining user needs, business objectives, and tech potential. This comprehensive strategy amplifies Lace's resonance in the intricate Web3 ecosystem.